Illinois Dead Man’s Act

The Illinois Dead Man’s Act strongly constricts the ability of a Plaintiff to present evidence in cases in which the Defendant is deceased. As with any good rule based in old English common law, it comes with its own lyrical phrase: since a decedent’s lips are sealed by death, a...

Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure

Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure determine the rules that should be followed by Ohio state courts in civil actions. The purpose of the Civil Rule is to eliminate delay and ensure prompt administration of justice.

SR-22 Endorsements

Automobile insurance policies always list an automobile and a person. They also always contain a section that defines who is an insured under the policy. Policies always have a clause that defines others operating the auto with permission as insureds too. Therefore, in that instance the insurance coverage follows the...

Federal Tort Claims Act

The Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. 2671-2680, provides an avenue for a plaintiff to recover against the United States government for property damage, personal injuries, or death caused by the negligence or wrongful act or omission of federal employees.

The Economic Loss Rule

Economic Loss Rule The Economic Loss Rule is a doctrine that prohibits recovery for an economic loss resulting from a wrongful act or an infringement of a right, when unaccompanied by physical property damage or personal injury. Instead, only parties to the contract or contractual beneficiaries may recover economic losses....

Illinois Tort Immunity

Suits against "local public entities,” including counties, townships, municipalities, municipal corporations, school districts, park districts, fire protection districts, and sanitary districts, fall under the purview of the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act, 745 ILCS 10/1- 101.