We understand your urgent need to collect funds from a business that owes you money. We also understand you want those funds collected in the most respectful, legal, and uncomplicated manner that maintains your organizational dignity and ethics. Likewise, you want the business debt economically collected.
Commercial collections lawyers
At Keis George, our commercial collections team is strictly dedicated to providing comprehensive collections services in contracts and agreements, judgment enforcement, proprietor and tenant collections, liens, mechanic’s liens and more. Our team is comprised of attorneys, judgment paralegals, commercial collectors, investigators, and administrative support that may resolve your business debt in a proficient manner.
Commercial debt resolution
We take a rather unique approach to commercial collections as each file is unique. No matter how complex the business may appear, it is evident the decision to resolve your debt rests in the branches of organizational structure. From corporations and limited liability companies to sole proprietorships and partnerships, the decision to pay or not to pay the company’s financial obligations is made by people. Just as people decide which agreements and contracts a business makes, sometimes people decide who gets paid and who doesn’t.
We won’t waste time or resources. Our staff will work directly with the individual(s) that makes the decision to pay what the company owes. From accounts receivable and chief financial officers to business owners and general counsel, we tailor our collection strategy to the individual(s) as each professional requires a distinct approach.
Business-to-business accounts receivable
Keis George has mastered the ethical means to develop creative recovery strategies. We will not do the same thing and expect results. We will execute unique strategies to improve your bottom-line while offering personalized attention and quality service. In addition, we will work with you to determine an appropriate fee arrangement. We pursue commercial debt in the following areas:
- Business-to-Business Collections;
- Contracts and Agreements;
- Judgment Enforcement;
- Landlord and Tenant Collections;
- Liens;
- Mechanics Liens; and
- Post-Judgment Recovery.
Discover how Keis George can redefine your current commercial collections strategy. Contact one of our commercial collections attorneys to schedule a consultation.