More and more, we are seeing property damage caused by water, fire, and explosions as a direct result of a defective product. Many firms litigate but few actually litigate a product liability matter to completion. This is why we are trying to work with our clients to bundle these claims to increase the settlement value and decrease your operational costs associated with adjusting each claim. If you have questions about this process, schedule a consultation with one of our product liability lawyers.
Product recalls
Recently, we have handled product liability matters involving residential and commercial appliances, gas explosions, cellulose insulation, and sprinkler, plumbing and other water losses.
Consumer Product Safety Commission product recalls
Per the CPSC, when the unit is being charged, it can overheat, posing fire and burn hazards.
Per the CPSC, the electric space heater can overheat when in use, posing fire and burn hazards. Vornado has received 15 reports of the heaters catching on fire.
Per the CPSC, the HVAC’s humidimizer fan can fail to shut off when a connected smoke detector is tripped, posing a fire hazard.