Types of Evidence

In civil court cases, evidence is presented to support or refute claims made by the parties involved. Several types of evidence can be introduced in civil court proceedings, including: Testimonial Evidence: This is evidence provided by witnesses who testify under oath about what they know or observed related to the...

Admissibility of Police Reports

A police report is inadmissible (aka hearsay) unless it meets one of the exceptions enumerated in the rules of evidence. Let's discuss what that means referencing automobile accidents, as most car accidents that end up in litigation are disputed liability.

Preserving the Scene

Preserving the scene is just one part of our Early Involvement Strategy and one of the most important factors in building a good case. Capturing relevant photographs throughout the investigation process along with taking witness statements and properly securing the scene will put you in the best position to preserve...

A Second Chance at Subrogation Recovery

Dealing with Civil Rule 41(A)(1)(a) Voluntary Dismissal and the Ohio Savings Statute 2305.19 can be tricky. You need counsel who understands these statutes to determine how it may affect your file. After all, you may get a second chance at subrogation recovery.