The Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure determine the legal processes that are followed by Ohio state courts in civil actions. The rules are meant to eliminate delay and improve efficiency. On July 1, 2020, amendments to the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure took effect. For the next few issues, we...
Indiana Economic Loss Doctrine
The Indiana Economic Loss Doctrine prohibits two parties with a contractual relationship from bringing a tort action against each other for economic losses. Though the doctrine can have a negative impact on your claim, we’ll review potential avenues to recovery.
Liability of a Dog Owner
Ohio Revised Code 955.28 covers the liability of a dog owner. Our Columbus, Ohio office has had many cases where a dog gets loose, runs into the street, and causes a vehicle to strike the dog or swerve to miss the dog and strike other property (e.g., another vehicle, fence,...
When a Tortfeasor Dies in Ohio
When a tortfeasor passes away before a creditor has filed a lawsuit, there are several steps a creditor must take to collect on a claim within a certain amount of time.
Intercompany Arbitration for Med Pay versus Insured Bodily Injury and Med Pay
While handling Medical Payment (Med Pay) lien claims for insurance clients, an issue I run across is when the insurance client files a Med Pay claim in Intercompany Arbitration to protect the Med Pay claim and the insurance client is named party in its insured’s personal injury lawsuit to protect...
Indiana Negligent Entrustment
Under Indiana law, the theory of Negligent Entrustment allows for an injured party to recover from the owner of a vehicle who negligently allowed another person to use the vehicle. Negligent entrustment is most common in auto claims, although there are other circumstances where it is applicable.
Subtle Nuances Involving Utilities
Just like utilities, the actions of a cooperative employee can cause fires. Unlike claims against a public utility, claims against electric cooperatives can be pursued in court without having to fight over whether the PUCO has jurisdiction.
Illinois Dead Man’s Act
The Illinois Dead Man’s Act strongly constricts the ability of a Plaintiff to present evidence in cases in which the Defendant is deceased. As with any good rule based in old English common law, it comes with its own lyrical phrase: since a decedent’s lips are sealed by death, a...
Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure
Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure determine the rules that should be followed by Ohio state courts in civil actions. The purpose of the Civil Rule is to eliminate delay and ensure prompt administration of justice.
Suspend the Driver’s License of the Uninsured Motorist
In Ohio, an insured driver, vehicle owner, or insurance company representative involved in a car accident with an uninsured driver may submit Crash Report Form 3303 to the Ohio BMV to request suspension of the uninsured driver’s license.